Sunday, 8 March 2015

CSA Update: Sunnyside Farm

I recently blogged about the 2015 Spring-Summer CSA options for Kingston, but just came across Sunnyside Farm this evening so am sharing it with you now so you don't miss out on a fabulous opportunity. Remember, sign up for your favourite CSA today!

Sunnyside Farm

What: This will by Sunnyside Farm's second CSA year! Last year the CSA was sold out by April 1st and those lucky enough to get on the list received some great looking veggies. This year, Sunnyside has its sights on another successful year with a weekly offering of a variety of veggies - tomatoes, carrots, beets, beans, and much more! One unique feature of this CSA is that they are set up to do delivery within the city of Kingston! Of course, you can always pick up your share at the farm as a good excuse to get out into the country!

Growing Practices: organically grown

When: the CSA runs from June to October of 18 weekly deliveries for a full share or 9 bi-weekly deliveries for a half share

Price: $550 for a full share, and $300 for a half-share 

How to Sign Up: Registration is currently open! Click the Sign Up button on the page accessed here

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