Monday, 6 October 2014

Kingston Winter CSAs 2014-15

Throughout the summer, we've revelled in the Ontario summer growing season. While winter may bring lots ice, snow, and chill, it does not mean a freeze on local eating. Community Supported Agriculture or CSA programs are a great way to get a hearty dose of local food while continuing to support your local farmers through the winter season. Nothing invigorates your kitchen quite like a basket full of good food throughout the darker, colder days of the year.

Here's the low-down many of the Winter CSAs available to Kingstonians over the 2014-15 winter season. Be sure to get signed up for your chosen CSA soon to avoid disappointment as the lists fill up fast.

Main Street Market 
Dried shiitake mushrooms ready to go for Main Street Market's
2014-15 Winter CSA (source: Facebook)

Unveiled just this past week, Main Street Market has a great CSA planned for the 2014-15 season. This year, the CSA has expanded from 10 to 24 shares so new customers have a chance to get in on the action! Be sure to contact Main Street ASAP though as the list is bound to fill up fast.

What: a basket filled with dried mushrooms and herbs, fresh greens, sprouts, and bread
(with gluten-free options available), canned goods, frozen and stored veggies.

When: One basket/month for November - January

Price: currently estimated at about $70/month or $280 overall

How to Sign Up: email, text, or call Main Street Market (613-876-3125), or stop by the booth at the Memorial Farmer's Market on Sundays

Fat Chance Farmstead
Canned garlic scapes from
Fat Chance Farmstead (Source)

Fat Chance Farmstead offering a CSA filled with all kinds of goodies from canned delicacies such as marinara, garlic scape paste, and pickled fennel, to pizza dough and bread, to frozen strawberries and shredded zucchini that may very well fight off the winter blues.

What: dried herbs, canned goods, frozen strawberries and shredded zucchini, pizza dough, bread, chicken stock, and stored veggies. See the full breakdown here.

When: Two baskets in total, one on November 10th, the second on January 12th

Price: $230

How to Sign Up: fill out their registration form available through the website here

Patchwork Gardens
Patchwork Gardens at the Kingston
Public Market (Source: Facebook)

Some lucky Kingstonians have already found their way on to the Patchwork Gardens CSA list for the 2014-15 season and Patchwork is now sold out! For those who were not so lucky, take this as your warning: get signed up for your favourite winter CSA before it's too late!!

What: a wide range of greens and stored veggies, as well as some specialty items such as pesto and bread (check out the breakdown per basket here)
When: Four baskets in total: Sunday November 9th, Sunday December 7th, Sunday January 11th, and Sunday February 8th.

Price: $300

How to Sign Up: You can get on their waiting list though by emailing meganjoslin(at) with the subject: 'Winter CSA wait list'. (please include the first and last name of the person who will be the main contact). 

Roots Down Organic Farm

If you've seen Roots Down at the Memorial Farmer's Market than you are familiar with the range of beautiful veggies these guys consistently produce. Their CSA is more condensed offering up a good dose of veggies across November and December!

What: "seasonal hardy veggies (such as storage crops) as well as some more tender veggies and greens from our greenhouse."

When: 4 bi-weekly pick-ups over November and December

Price: $120

How to Sign Up: sign up online through the website here

The Kitchen Garden
A snapshot of The Kitchen Garden's
winter CSA selection (source)

The Kitchen Garden is keeping it simple this year with a mix of their most popular storage crops. This package will keep you going all winter long!

What: carrots, onions, potatoes, beets, and garlic with additional items such as sweet potatoes, greens, and frozen berries, kale available for purchase upon pickup of CSA

When: 4 months baskets, November through February

Price: $250

How to Sign Up: complete the registration via their website here

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